The MEP 1.0 dataset contains 5 files, of which 3 contain metadata, 1 contains roll-call vote data, and 1 contains retweet info. Files containing metadata: * mep_info.json Contains metadata about the Members of 8th European Parliament until 2016-03-01 as a JSON dictionary. Each dictionary entry represents metadata for one MEP. The key of the entry is the mepId. The values include the following information: - fullName: the name of the MEP - from: the date in ISO format when he/she became a MEP - to: for MEPs which left the EP, the date in ISO format when he/she left, otherwise null - substituting: for MEPs which substituted another MEP, the id of the subsituted MEP, otherwise null - substitutedBy: for MEPs which left the EP, the id of the MEP which subsituted him/her, otherwise null - twitterId: the Twitter id of the MEP if he/she has one, otherwise null - twitterScreenName: the Twitter account of the MEP if he/she has one, otherwise null - politicalGroupId: the id of the European political group he/she is a member of - politicalGroupShort: the shortened name of the European political group he/she is a member of - politicalGroupName: the full name of the European political group he/she is a member of - countryId: the id of the country he/she is coming from - countryShort: the shortened name of the country he/she is coming from - countryName: the name of the country he/she is coming from - nationalPoliticalGroupId: the id of the national political group he/she is a member of - nationalPoliticalGroupName: the name of the national political group he/she is a member of - rcvMepId: the id used in the original RCV XML files - politicalGroupMostRecentShort: the most recent European political group in the RCV XML files * rcv_info.json Contains metadata about the Roll-call votes of the 8th European Parliament until 1.3.2016 as a JSON dictionary. Each dictionary entry represents metadata for one RCV. The key of the entry is the rcvId. The values include the following information: - rcvSittingId: id of the sitting in which the RCV took place - sittingDate: the date of the sitting in which the RCV took place - epReference: European Parliament RCV reference - epNumber: European Parliament RCV id - rcvDate: the date of the RCV - rcvTime: the time at which the RCV took place - description: description of the RCV - isPublic: whether it is a public vote - hasMeta: whether it has metadata - documentId: the id of the document which is the subject of the RCV - url: the URL of the RCV - procId: the id of the procedure - procUrl: the URL of the procedure - title: the title of the RCV - subject: the subject into which the RCV is classified - geographicalArea: geographical area concerned with the RCV - procType: the procedure type - procSubtype: the procedure subtype - hasAttendance: whether attendance record is present for the RCV - lpSittingId: the sitting from the attendance record - procTypeId: id of the procedure type - subjectId: id of subject - subjectName: name of the subject * action_info.csv Contains metadata about the actions MEPs can take during an RCV in a CSV format. Contains two columns: - actionId: the id of the action - actionName: the name of the action Files containing data: * mep_rcv_vote.csv Contains roll-call vote data as a matrix with the votes of all MEPs during all RCVs in CSV format. The first column contains the mepIds as in mep_info.json, and the first row contains the rcvIds as in rcv_info.json. The values of the matrix are the actions MEPs took on RCVs. The actionsIds are as in action_info.csv. * retweets.csv Contains all retweets between MEPs between 1.10.2014 and 1.3.2016 in CSV format. Contains the following columns: - origUserId: the Twitter id of the MEP that posted the original tweet - origUserScreenName: the Twitter name of the MEP that posted the original tweet - origMepId: the mepId of the MEP that posted the original tweet - origMepName: the name of the MEP that posted the original tweet - origMepGroupId: the European group id of the MEP that posted the original tweet - origMepGroupShort: the shortened European group name of the MEP that posted the original tweet - origMepCountryId: the country id of the MEP that posted the original tweet - origMepCountryShort: the shortened country name of the MEP that posted the original tweet - retweetUserId: the Twitter id of the MEP that posted the retweet - retweetUserScreenName: the Twitter name of the MEP that posted the retweet - retweetMepId: the mepId of the MEP that posted the retweet - retweetMepName: the name of the MEP that posted the retweet - retweetMepGroupId: the European group id of the MEP that posted the retweet - retweetMepGroupShort: the shortened European group name of the MEP that posted the retweet - retweetMepCountryId: the country id of the MEP that posted the retweet - retweetMepCountryShort: the shortened country name of the MEP that posted the retweet - origCreatedAt: the timestamp of the original tweet - origTweetId: the Twitter id of the original tweet - retweetCreatedAt: the timestamp of the retweet - retweetTweetId: the Twitter id of the retweet - lang: the language of the original tweet